How to Measure Your RV for a RV Cover
Are you are looking to find the right cover for your Recreational Vehicle but not for sure the exact size to order? Use our measuring instructions below on how to measure your RV.
Measuring for a ADCO Cover
Measure your RV from bumper to bumper. Please include spare tire and ladders in your measurement, do not include a/c units or roof mounted accessories. These items must be included in your overall length to ensure a proper fit. Hitches and propane tanks are items that are not typically covered. Propane tank covers are available separately. We recommend completing your own measurements rather than relying on the RV manufacturer’s specifications. ADCO covers are made to fit the size listed. If your unit is any longer than what is listed, even by an inch, you should order the next larger size.

More Examples of How To Measure Your Specific RV